Chaffey College Campus Center Feasibility Study

Chaffey College/City of Rancho Cucamonga | Rancho Cucamonga, CA



16,800 SF east campus, 21,800 SF west campus

This study looked at options for uniting the East and West Campus Centers into a coherent single entity; how best to relate the ensemble to the quadrangle spaces at the heart of campus directly to the north, northwest and west of the existing complex; how best to integrate the complex with the naturally occurring topography of the site and campus student, faculty and staff circulation patterns; and how to relate the east side of the complex to the parking lot and bus drop- off and turnaround. The 16,800 ASF East Campus Center currently houses the campus bookstore; the 21,800 ASF West Campus Center currently houses the cafeteria and associated kitchen facilities, functions of student services, and the faculty dining room and lounge. Renovation of the Campus Center will include the student dining facility and kitchen, student lounge and meeting/study rooms, expanded bookstore, campus cafe/coffee shop, faculty center, and health services.